Innovative Asset Recovery Solutions
We identify and research monies held by municipal, State and Federal courts usually not found on State unclaimed web sites. Once we have contacted you, we further research the held monies. We assess the cost of the retrieval, the possibility of counter claims, and the projected time it will take for the court to pay out.
We then make you an offer based upon risk, time frame and cost. We never charge a fee, and we take full responsibility for all costs, even if unsuccessful.
We are BBB accredited, A+ Rated, and a member of Please see the Asset Recovery Solutions Frequently Asked Questions below.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How much is the claim?
We do not contact folks unless there is at least a $10,000 gross amount being held.
Where is the money?
Monies often held in estates, overages, unclaimed insurance, eminent domain, condemnation files, etc.
How much can I expect to make?
We will make an offer based on risk, amount, cost.
When will I get paid?
We give you part upfront, the rest when we retrieve.
Do I have to pay anything?
No. We pay all costs, we never bill you.
What do I have to do to start this process?
Call the number(s) on the mailing or the one(s) given when we called. Filling out the form will speed this process up considerably. You can Click Here To Get Started!
Can I claim this money without you?
Yes. You will need an attorney. We do not share fund location. We will work with creditors instead.
Is there a deadline to claim these funds?
Often, we have a very short window to make a claim.
What If I Choose Not To Work With You?
We respect your decision. If we cannot come to terms, we will stop work on your behalf. Often, there are other individuals or creditors that can also claim the funds. When someone chooses to not work with us, we contact other potential claimants instead (creditors) and receive a referral for sharing our research.
We prefer to help people instead of companies/creditors, but referrals defray our research and contact costs. If you choose to not work with us, we usually destroy your file within a week or two, unless we can put together an agreement with a creditor.
We would enjoy working with you. We make the best offer we possibly can, given our projected costs and risks. However, we are not set up to ‘chase’ folks. We have thousands of files in various stages of recovery, so we can not chase after you. In addition, depending on the source of the funds, there can be deadlines that we have to meet or else the funds can no longer be claimed.